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Polinske & Associates, P.C.

Edwardsville Attorneys for DUI, Criminal Offenses, Family Law, Auto Accident Injuries, and Traffic Violations

We are pleased to offer several different practice areas to Madison County and surrounding areas. Our main areas of focus include DUI defense, criminal defense (felony and misdemeanor), family law, auto accident injuries, and traffic violations in Illinois.

Criminal DefenseCriminal Defense

When your life and freedom are on the line, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer with a solid history of successfully trying cases. Polinske & Associates represents people just like you who are facing potentially life-changing criminal charges. We will work tirelessly to clear your name in cases involving felony drug violations, cannabis trafficking, DUI, domestic battery, white collar crimes, violent crimes, Methamphetamine and Cannabis Trafficking and other criminal acts.


Brian L. PolinskeClients’ ChoiceAward 2019

Cannabis Delivery Defense

If you are charged with the felony offense of Cannabis Delivery in Madison County Illinois you should seek competent counsel.  Oftentimes these charges can be dismissed or reduced to a less serious offense.  Reduction of bond is your first step.  When your release is secured you focus next on the preliminary hearing and arraignment.  Then on the discovery and motion practice.  I can typically spot whether there are good grounds to win a Motion to Suppress Evidence against the State.  In a surprisingly high amount of cases the initial stop and subsequent search are fraught with constitutional issues.  Identifying them, filing the appropriate motions and effectively presenting them to the judge are all equally important.  Choose competent and experienced counsel to defend you in this situation.

Civil Asset ForfeitureCivil Asset Forfeiture

Forfeitures of property are becoming more and more common.  When arrested for a felony any property that can be connected to the crime's commission may be forfeited by the State.  The State's Attorney's Office has prosecutors dedicated solely to this type of action.  Don't delay, take immediate action to contest this process.  It is an uphill battle, but you can oftentimes prevail.  Most recently I am trying to get $540,000 back for my client in Bond County, Illinois (3-14-2025). 

DUI DefenseDUI Defense

A DUI arrest in Illinois can be terrifying and confusing. How will this affect your future? How can you be found innocent if your BAC was above .08? Attorney Brian Polinske knows how to analyze your case and find possible defenses that could clear your name and help you get your life back.

Traffic ViolationsTraffic Violations

Don't try to fight your traffic violation alone! If convicted, you could face fines, a license suspension, or even jail time. Let Brian Polinske use his experience as a traffic violation attorney to help and put this entire incident behind you.

Family LawFamily Law

Family law requires a personal touch that Polinske & Associates is able to provide. Whether you're going through a divorce, need to draw up a child custody agreement, want to establish a child support order, or even finalize an adoption in Illinois, our family law attorneys are here to help.

SAFE-T Act as it pertains to pretrial detention.

The SAFE-T act was implemented in September, 2023.  Essentially it eliminated cash bail for persons facing criminal charges.  It applies to all charges regardless if they are misdemeanors or felonies.  The law requires release for a wide variety of offenses, usually misdemeanors and low level felony charges without violence.  Its implementation has caused some level of confusion amongst the defense bar. 

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